Friday, May 8, 2015

Another reenactment show??

As actors, we go through many trials and tribulations before coming to a point where we actually care about what we are auditioning for. I know I know, "How dare she?". Well I'm saying it! The stuff we want to be auditioning for couldn't be farther from the crap roles we get handed day to day as moderately credited actors/actresses in Hollywood. "Blonde groupie", "Disgruntled barista", or my favorite, "girl 1, 2, 3"- that's one name for 3 SEPARATE people. Let's be honest it can't get worse than that.

Oh wait it can! You'd cross rivers, valleys, low enough, high enough, (see what I did?) just to get seen for "girl 1, 2, 3"! And if you booked that role?? You'd be so high on your horse no landslide could bring you down! (oh come on that was good) you'd feel unstoppable for about 5 days and then it's back to black, (done) BUT STILL. You will forever have the glory that comes with being..."girl 1, 2, 3". No one can take that away from you. Except editor #17 who cut your one line and hair flip. DRATS. Is there no end to this torment that is being a moderately credited actor/actress in Hollywood?


There is a bright light at the end of this smoggy, tunnel. Or at least somewhere in the middle of it! It's a place where people come to watch sad, traumatic, bizarre, and strangely true situations reenacted by other people. You've guessed it! Probably because I used the word reenactment (damnit!)- REENACTMENT SHOWS. I know it could be conceived to be some form of reality television, but to us actors and actresses in Hollywood making that ever so slow transition to being a consistently working actor/actress, it is heaven. HEAVEN.

"You mean I get to be the star of a television show?"
"well a reenact-"
"The star?? really??"

We just want to do it! As much as acting class is fun and helpful in many ways, what we crave is emoting as a means to produce a specific end result. Not just emoting for the heck of it. As much as we like to think of ourselves as supernatural beings with emotional super powers, we're simply people who look to create a reaction. We get these little spurts of happiness from knowing we made people, for the most part strangers, feel something. You laugh? We practically jiz in our pants. You cry?  Well just roll me over with a steam roller because...I don't know why, I'm so happy I can't care to think of a less corny that even a saying?

The point is, we do this for that very specific ever fleeting reason. And we do not get complete satisfaction from performing in a class, or alone in a room, or even with friends. It's that mass connection, that grand scale of emoting that gets us to our happy place.

Reenactment shows give us the opportunity to do just that. They allow us actors/actresses with less credits or experience to feel the fire for a moment; See a glimpse of what we're fighting for. Because of reenactment shows I've gotten to showcase some of my strongest talents on camera in just a few short years. Due to extreme situations being played out, I've had the opportunity to cry on camera, be brutally beaten, murder someone, be bipolar, and the list goes on. Those are some intense scenes to have on your reel, and due to that I landed a recurring guest star on DAYS OF OUR LIVES in which I portrayed a traumatized rape victim.

I'm not saying don't take "girl 1, 2, 3". Take it! Own "girl 1, 2, 3"! Whichever one you play! Brag about it on FB! Sure you'll lose some followers but you still got "girl 1, 3"! Just don't make the mistake of skipping those reenactment show auditions. The people you work with on those projects are right there with you, waiting to make the next step. Those are directors and producers who could be anywhere within the next 5-10 years. Let them see what you can do! They're they ones who are actually watching you! Plus you'll get exposure and hopefully something great for your reel.

Rant done!

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