Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Samantha Bogach talks about The Campaign

Q: What would you like to tell us about The Campaign?

Samantha: It is a one woman show that was written for me and initially intended to be aired on a PPV channel, but is also destined to be performed in front of live audiences.

Q: What sort of character are you playing in this piece?

Samantha: She is more me than not. She appears to be vibrant and invincible but can become emotionally vulnerable without warning. I find her to be fascinating and unpredictable.

Q: What is The Campaign about?

Samantha: On the face of it, it’s about a young woman trying to gain acceptance with a constituency that either doesn’t know her or has only heard negative things about her. At it’s core it speaks to the need that we all have, in varying degrees, for acceptance and to have others understand who we really are. The character is ahead of the game in that she realizes that it is incumbent upon her to understand her constituency, their wants and needs, if she is to expect them to understand her. You could say it’s a story about reciprocity.

Q: What led you to become involved in this project?

Samantha: I found that what I was reading in my free time was far more interesting than what I was reading in the audition room. This project is intended to eliminate the gap so that the audience will witness something that is as interesting as it is enlightening.

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